Nexdata| Point Cloud Annotation Services | LiDAR Data Labeling| Computer Vision Data |Image Labeling for AI & ML| Annotated Imagery Data
Nexdata provides high-quality ground truth Annotated Imagery Data for your LiDAR, Radar, and other 3D/4D data.
Nexdata |Video Annotation Services | AI-assisted Labeling | Computer Vision Data | Video Labeling for AI & ML | Annotated Imagery Data
Nexdata provides high-quality Annotated Imagery Data annotation for video classification, timestamps, video tracking and detection.
Nexdata |Text Annotation Services | AI-assisted Labeling |Text Labeling for AI & ML | Text Data |Natural Language Processing (NLP) Data
Nexdata provides high-quality Natural Language Processing (NLP) Data annotation for text cleaning, entity tagging, named entity tagging, text classification and emotion annotation.
Nexdata |Speech Synthesis Data Collection Service | 50+ Languages Resources | Numerous Voice Sample | TTS Data | Audio Data | Deep Learning (DL) Data
Nexdata provides multi-language, multi-timbre, multi-domain and multi-style speech synthesis data collection servicesfor Deep Learning Data.
Nexdata |Multilingual Conversational Speech Data |16kHz Mobile Phone| 35,000 Hours |Generative AI Audio Data | Speech Data|Machine Learning (ML) Data
Nexdata has off-the-shelf 35,000 hours Machine Learning (ML) Data of 16kHz conversational speech, covering 100+ countries including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Hindi, Russia and etc.
Nexdata |Multilingual Conversational Speech Data | 8kHz Telephone| 15,000 Hours | Audio Data | Speech Recognition Data| Machine Learning (ML) Data
Nexdata has off-the-shelf 15,000 hours Machine Learning (ML) Data of 8kHz conversational speech, covering 100+ countries including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Hindi, Russia and etc.
Nexdata |Gesture Recognition Data |10,000 ID | Computer Vision Data| AI Training Data | Machine Learning (ML) Data
Off-the-shelf gesture recognition data covers multiple scenes, such as conference, in-car and home. All the machine learning (ML) data is collected with signed authorization agreement.
Nexdata | Speech Recognition Data Collection Services | 100+ Languages Resources |Audio Data | Speech Recognition Data | Machine Learning (ML) Data
Nexdata is equipped with professional recording equipment and has resources pool of 70+ countries and regions, and provide various types of speech recognition data collection services for Machine Learning (ML) Data.
Nexdata | Re-ID Data | 60,000 ID |Computer Vision Data |Image/Video Machine Learning (ML) Data| Identity Data
Off-the-shelf Re-ID data is collected from real surveillance scenes. The Identity Data diversity includes different age groups, different time periods, different shooting angles, different human body orientations and postures, clothing for different seasons.
Nexdata | Native & Accented English Speech Data |40,000 Hours | Audio Data|Speech Recognition Data| Natural Language Processing (NLP) Data
The speech data is collected from native English speakers in 40 countries,covering a varity of pronunciation habits and characteristics. The script is designed by linguists and covers a wide range of topics including generic, interactive, in-car and home.