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Nexdata | Multilingual Read Speech Data | 65,000 Hours | Generative AI Audio Data| Speech Recognition Data | Machine Learning (ML) Data

Off-the-shelf read speech data cover 100+ languages. All the Machine Learning (ML) Data are collected from native speakers, with signed authorization agreement.The recording contents include economics, entertainment, news, oral, figure, letter, etc

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Product Name Multilingual Read Speech Data
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1. Specifications Format : 16kHz, 16bit, uncompressed wav, mono channel Recording environment : quiet indoor environment, without echo Recording content (read speech) : economy, entertainment, news, oral language, numbers, letters Speaker : native speaker, gender balance Device : Android mobile phone, iPhone Language : 100+ languages Transcription content : text, time point of speech data, 5 noise symbols, 5 special identifiers Accuracy rate : 95% (the accuracy rate of noise symbols and other identifiers is not included) Application scenarios : speech recognition, voiceprint recognition 2. About Nexdata Nexdata owns off-the-shelf PB-level Large Language Model(LLM) Data, 1 million hours of Audio Data and 800TB of Annotated Imagery Data. These ready-to-go Machine Learning (ML) Data support instant delivery, quickly improve the accuracy of AI models. For more details, please visit us at https://www.nexdata.ai/datasets/speechrecog?source=Datarade

Country Coverage

(102 countries)
Africa (10)
Asia (36)
Australia (2)
Europe (34)
North America (10)
South America (10)

Data Categories

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Data
  • Deep Learning (DL) Data
  • Audio Data
  • Large Language Model (LLM) Data
  • Speech Data


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One-off purchase
Monthly License
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Yearly License
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Not available



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